Monday, October 11, 2010

Comic Con 2010

"Hey, let's go to the Comic Con in New York tomorrow."
Thank you, little brother. 

Comic Con New York 2010 was... what's a word that has more punch than "awesome"? I use that too much. This was my first-ever Con, let's put it that way. Anyone who's gone probably remembers what that's like.

After standing in line for a while with my two brothers, then getting in another fast-moving line to get our passes, I was starting to get excited. I must have been half-asleep on the train of something, because I was just now starting to resist giggling like a little girl.
(You think I'm kidding.) 

The second I saw the entrance with the gigantic, IGN sponsored plasma screens hovering everywhere, I actually stopping thinking for an indeterminate amount of time. My brain tried to process just the first room and almost stopped completely. Saying it was like a kid in a candy store might be something you could compare it to. 

I could write a LOT on everything we got to do or see, but here are the main things:
-We met Jim Lee, I shook his hand and got him to sign my pass. (Jim Lee was the first artist in a while that brought me back into comics from DC. I liked his style of mixing realistic detail with comic stylization, if that makes sense)

-I got to look at artists' original pencil sketches that were going for, like, $300 each (Green Lantern double-page spread, anybody?)

-Saw gameplay of Marvel VS Capcom 3 and DC Universe Online, which if you haven't seen the trailers for...go. Now. Come back here later. GO.

-I got to meet 3 people I have seen art advertised for online on THAT was awesome.
I would like to take a moment to thank everyone again who put so much work into the Con this year. Like I said, it was my first Comic Convention ever, and this one not only lived up to the hype, but exceeded it in a lot of ways for me. I just got done telling a co-worker that wished he could go that today made up for feeling like crap (I mean BAAAAD) for 8 hours at work yesterday, and all the work/college exhaustion this week. Therefore, I'm not just saying this to say it: THANK YOU.

1 comment:

  1. Since you love comic books, I thought you might find the link to this blog's about a Catholic comic book.
