Monday, October 25, 2010


    While sitting around wondering what was new or interesting to me so I could write this blog, I realized that most of what I was talking about previously had to do with mainstream comics and cartoons. So far, I think I have failed to put a spotlight on something many times as in-demand: webcomics. There are a few I like to check back on every once and a while, like Questionable Content, Boxer Hockey, and Doctor McNinja. The funny thing is, though these and (as far as I've seen) most web-based comics are free, yet if the author / artist misses their weekly posting, I catch myself flipping out mentally that my neediness is not being met. Studying the borders of the websites, I begin wondering if these artists could possibly be supporting themselves, not with the comic itself, but with the merchandise that they are advertising to readers. It's also probably a good way to bolster your resume if you ever wanted to move into one of the "bigger" comic book niches, although it would probably be surprising if any of these artists would give up the strips that are their babies to move on to something where their names get lost behind the BATMAN or SPIDER-MAN titles.
    Also, one of the only things I would caution people against is that, since these are usually independently created/owned, it's up to the creator to decide what kind of content is in the comic strip. Therefore, it's not governed by the rules companies like DC and Marvel are. Just the creator's imagination.
   Basically, watch out, it might be harder to give them a "Parental Rating" than a movie or video-game.

Anyway, part 2 of the blog is only mentioning that The Walking Dead is being made into a TV show, and is beginning this Halloween. Yes, it's a zombie series (#1: Yes I said series. That's a first.), and judging by the comics which have changed my opinion on the cliche of any movie containing "zombie" in the name, it's going to be very cool. Maybe I'll write about it next week if it turns out to be awesome.


  1. I enjoyed your blog. I used to read comics a lot when I was younger and have been telling myself I need to pick one up every once in a while. I am going to check a few of the titles out you have mentioned.

    Take care

  2. That is pretty cool. I had no idea that these things existed. I guess I shouldnt be suprised though. The web has provided a media outlet that all of us can use to get our stuff out to the people we are targeting.
