Monday, November 1, 2010

The Walking Dead

Well, you couldn't ask for a more theme-sensitively-appropriate time for a zombie TV series to begin: 10pm Halloween night, The Walking Dead series, based off of the comic book, premiered on AMC.

First off, I am not a huge fan of zombie movies. That being said, right off the bat The Walking Dead is different simply because it's not a movie, it's a full-out television series, meaning there's no cramming action, gore, and every other stereotype into a 2 hour span of time. There's enough room for an actual plot to develop.

One of the things you worry about, whether you're a Harry Potter, Twilight, Batman, or fan of whatever original literary or comic-book work, is "does the film adaptation follow the original closely enough?" Walking Dead is only one episode into the series, but it's surprising how closely they do follow the comic. In fact, the TV series added a little bit in terms of back-story and other artistic liberties, but I personally felt like it only made it even better. The original series was a good read because it had relatively sensible people in charge of the survivors of the zombie apocalypse.

I'm not sure what the standards are right now for what you're allowed to put on television, but I think this is one of those that pushes the envelope. There is a lot more story-driven content than your typical horror movie, but the makeup is a little on the realistic side. (On the other hand, I noticed that I never noticed a zombie actually putting a body-part or some other piece of gore in their mouth. Can't say that I blame the actors/actresses, but seriously?

Anyway, I never finished the comic books, so I better get back to them before the series gets too far along.

1 comment:

  1. After reading the first four issues in the series I found that AMC was releasing a series on their national network. I was excited to say the least. After watching the first episode and the second last night, I have to say that the live-action adaption is a great representation of the literal version. I have to say that I will probably watch the rest of the series before reading the rest of the books, time constraints you know.
